Monday, January 2, 2012

last photo of mommy before your birthday!

I am getting induced tomorrow morning. 9 days past the due date... i can't believe this is how this is this whole labor and delivery is going down, but that's just how pregnancies go. i am way uncomfortable and frustrated and just ready to meet this boy. i wish that I could hold out longer, but i am just ready, period.

i am so happy that my boy will be in my arms, hopefully by the end of tomorrow. i remember how instantly attached and in love i was with emmett after his birth and i am so lucky to be able to experience that all over again tomorrow.

i love you so much my sweet honeybean. i think you are going to be one laid back dude, not in a rush to get anywhere. I already like your style. i also think you are going to be a momma's boy. however you will be, i will love you.

I can't wait to meet you...

More practice for baby bro

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


i really expected honeybean to be early and boy was I wrong!!! these last couple of weeks have felt like forever... I've been packing and unpacking my hospital bag. taking it in and out of the car to Christmas parties and events and bringing it back home every time. every day i think is the day and then it passes. i didn't really have to go through this with emmett's pregnancy because i went into the hospital 4 days before the due date.

i have to say that with each day passing, i have had extra time with emmett and it's been so nice having special time with him. getting up and down from playing with him on the floor has been brutal and lifting him too, but it's so worth it. i am uncomfortable but i am no where near desperately wanting to get induced. i got a non stress test done yesterday and they checked my amniotic fluid and both tests went very well. the nurses couldn't believe how much he moves around. i guess i've just gotten so used to it the past few months. he really is a mover and a shaker. i also could see my contractions on the heart rate monitor that they hooked me up to for the non stress test. i have been feeling contractions just like these for weeks, but still nothing.

tomorrow i have an appointment with my ob, so i can at least find out if i am dilated. i saw my chiropractor yesterday and she seems to think that things are progressing because my misalignment in my back was different than anything she's ever seen before.

we'll see when this cutie decides to come!!! i am ready whenever he is!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

NURSERY is officially done!

Nursery is complete, hospital bag is packed. now i just need to finish de-cluttering my house and thoroughly clean it then I'll be ready to go into labor!