Thursday, June 30, 2011

15 weeks and going strong!

I am almost 15 weeks along! In just 5 weeks, I'll be half-way through this pregnancy. Isn't that crazy?? So far, the second trimester has been much better than the 1st. I am having fewer little spells of nausea, plus my energy level is going back up which feels great. I have a baby bump forming much quicker than with Emmett. It's kind of at that stage where I look like I have a beer belly. Although I have had some strangers catch onto the fact that I am pregnant. Every week I feel like honeybean is expanding my belly little by little. My belly is reminding me how I looked when I was pregnant with Emmett, which is another reason that leads me to think I am having a boy. We are still talking names for boys and girls. Once we find out the sex on August 8th, then we will get more down to the name game.

Here is the bedding I am debating on... I have a whole vision for the girls and boys room. I can't wait to get going on some new paintings and collages for honeybean to go with the room theme.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the best discovery!

it's summer time and this preggo is CRAVING an iced cold beer!!! thankfully i have discovered the joy of drinking non-alcoholic beer. i can't believe i didn't think of this before when i was pregnant with emmett.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Toddler + OB Dr. appointment = CRAZY

I brought E to my OB appointment with Dr. Goldberg and he was ALL over the place!! Thankfully I brought toys and the office actually had a bunch of kid toys, but even still, it was tricky. I was answering questions and chasing him around the little room and then when it came time to exam me, he wanted to see everything Dr. G was doing to his momma. He's such an inquisitive little boy. Hopefully he won't remember much.

My favorite part was when I had E sit next to me when I was lying down on the chair and we both got to hear honeybean's heartbeat together. That was very special.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

honey bean

i have decided to name my newest baby on the way, honey bean. my sweet baby is due on Christmas day! so far, i have been fortunate enough to both hear and see the heartbeat. hearing the heartbeat brought so much joy and relief, i could barely contain myself at the appointment. after having miscarriages, i try not to get too hopeful in the beginning stages of pregnancies but when i heard the heartbeat, my heart grew full with hope for this baby. i'll be 12 weeks this sunday and i am feeling very confident. i announced to my school today that I am expecting again with some sweet chocolate treats. it doesn't feel like it was very long ago when i was announcing to my school that i was pregnant with emmett. the two of them will only be 20 months apart which to me, sounds perfect. i have always loved seeing the closeness between siblings close in age. i wish that same special bond for emmett and his brother/sister on the way.

i have an OB appointment coming up next week and should also be getting another ultrasound in the next week or so. i cannot wait to see my honeybean again!